Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm finally entering the world of KITCHENAID!

So, I am SO super excited! I never thought I'd be saying this. I always vowed never to be the one that got so excited over appliances or things in the household. I guess you can now call me a HOUSEWIFE! I have been seceretly wanting a KichenAid mixer for quite some time now. I just recently voiced this to Chris and we had done some research, but there's no way we could afford one.....UNTIL.....NOW!!!

I received an advertisement in the mail from Kohl's. I have looked at the mixers in here for a while, but they're usually the same as other places. The advertisement usually comes every few months and there's usually a sticker that has a discount amount...this time it was 15%, 20% or 30%. Usually I get the least out of all of them...but this time...I got the 30% off coupon!!!!! So...needless to say, with the 30% off coupon, and the gift cards from Christmas....TOTALLY AFFORDABLE! I'm so excited! It should be arriving to my home on Thursday!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Birdhouse and New Food

Camdyn has been growing like a weed! A very beautiful weed, but like a weed. She'll be 6 months next week and I can hardly believe it! At her 4 month check up, her doctor said she didn't need to start on foods until at least her next check up. Great, I thought! Less for me to have to buy at the store! Well, Camdyn had other ideas. Every night before we sit down to eat, she'll be playing happily in her exer-saucer. Totally content with everything going on around her. BUT...once we sit down to eat...she starts squalking! I mean, totally high pitched squealing that goes on forever... to the point where it's completely annoying! So, we got the high chair out and let her join us for meals. Still not enough. She would watch us like crazy putting things in our mouths. She's totally interested! So, sorry Doc, but this little one is ready for food!

So, Haley got a birdhouse kit and she has been asking like crazy to put it together! While Mommy was working on Saturday, Dad got it out and took some cool pictures!

Canning Chicken

So, I had a good friend of mine from work teach me how to can chicken a couple weeks ago. Yes...I canned chicken! I'm turning into a home maker! The chicken is SO GOOD!!!!!!! Here are a couple of pictures...

It's so easy to do, too! All it takes is water, salt and chicken! (plus the jars) It's great for food storage. I'm going to try other meats and stuff whenever I can borrow a pressure cooker again. THANKS MELISSA!!!!!

Christmas Countdown!!!