Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mom and Baby Update

Stephne and Baby Camdyn are doing great. No complications at all which has really allowed us to breathe easy and enjoy our new addition to the fullest. Especially with the help we've had around the hospital and home from Sheryl and Steph's Mom and Dad.

Thanks to all for your help, prayers, and well wishes!

If the 2 photos in the previous post aren't enough for you, we have tons more at the following link which takes you to our family photo website The 2 posted above are a teaser.

It's basically photos from the 3 days we were in the hospital and the 1st day we were home with Camdyn. Enjoy!!!!

Camdyn's Gallery Link

Also check out Haley's 1st published photographs at her new special gallery. She took every photo you'll see in the gallery.

Haley's Photography Gallery


Stephanie said...

So cute! I am so glad to hear you are all doing well! I love the girls hands photo, so precious!!! Is it mom and daughters? regardless, what a neat photo to have(and great manicure too:) I'll have to check out the websites so cool hailey has her own site for photos, kids take the coolest pic's! You have lots of help now, but in a few days if you find you need something, we would love to help, just let us know if you need/want help with anything:)

Danielle said...

So glad to hear that you are all doing well. We love you and Ryan can't wait to meet his newest girlfriend! :)

Janna said...

Congrats!! I'll have to change your blog picture now- let me know what pic you like and I'll update it for you

Heather said...

I love the pictures!! Chris is such an amazing photographer!!! JIm and I can't wait to meet Camdyn and to see you guys and Haley sometime! Let us know when the blessing is and when you guys are all settled. I'm planning on bringing down some tutus whenever we see you next. Any color preferences?? I know I asked you that before... but I can't remember the answer.

Megan said...

Congratulations! Sisters are the best! Have fun with them!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! How FuN!

Jesica said...

ok it's been forever POST SOMETHING!!!!

Christmas Countdown!!!